Saturday, March 10, 2012

Rubric Evaluation

Our group project is a comparison of WWII mass graves of both the Soviets and the Nazis and the memorialization of those sites. The website I chose to evaluate based on the rubric we created was called "World War II Database". One aspect of the website focused specifically on the Katyn Massacre (one of the sites from our project) and other similar atrocities. 

The sources on this website  are "Good", though that may be generous. They are present but not cited in a scholarly way and lack easy availability if they wanted or needed to be looked up. 

In terms of organization the website would receive an "Excellent". It is easy to navigate and offers a wide variety of topics are available to be chosen about the war. They provide a timeline of the massacre's key dates at the bottom of the article and also give several photos. As far as presentation goes the advertisements (though I'm sure are necessary) detract from the quality of the website and the comments at the bottom provide questionable excess information. The colours used are not distracting but and very bland and the the main photo constantly pictured may not have enough significance to the average reader. Because of this the presentation of this website would receive a "Good".  

Content and data of the website cannot be judged in terms of how our scholarly, academic website would be. But on the whole, for its own purpose, the facts seem correct and are easy to understand. The website and the articles within it are quality writing and are very interesting and it would be given an "Excellent" by me. 

Written communication is "Excellent" within the website. The writing flows well and makes sense with no obvious errors.  It is presented with the scholarly in mind and portrays itself as a reliable non- academic quick source on World War II. 

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